Thursday, June 5, 2008

"I smarted you out!"

Max says a lot of really funny things and this is currently my favorite. It took me a few seconds the first time he said it to realize what he was trying to say, which is that he "outsmarted me."

He calls these (!) "excitement marks" instead of exclamation points.

A while back he would express his love in symbolic terms, such as, "I love you more that the ocean has water." That is cute enough in and of itself. The cutest part though, was that he would always follow it up by saying, "That's a lot, uh-huh."

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

For Esther

Esther is a little girl in our ward who is about Lucy's age. She is the daughter of our good friends and she absolutely adores "Baby Sam." On the other blog we have a short clip of "Baby Sam" that she demands her mother show her every day. At her mother's request I have uploaded the following footage. Esther, this is for you:

Monday, June 2, 2008

Post #1

Well, here goes. I am not sure what I will be posting here, probably a little of this and a little of that. I was thinking about my favorite David Letterman Top Ten list the other day. Hope it makes you laugh like it did me.

Top Ten Greatest Books of All Time About Guys Named Steve

1. "War and Peace and Steve"
2. "The Seven Habits of Highly Successful Steves"
3. "The Grapes of Steve"
4. "The Steves of Wrath"
5. "Steve Grapes Steve Wrath Steve Steve"
6. "Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus, Steve is From Cleveland"
7. "Where's Waldo? Is He With Steve?"
8. "A Tale of Two Cities and One Steve"
9. "Chicken Soup for Steve's Soul"
10. "The Bible" (King Steve Version)

"A Room With a View of Steve"
"The Steve Whisperer"
"Windows for Dummies and Steve"
"Everything I Needed to Know I Learned in Kindergarten From a Guy Named Steve"
"Stevenetics" by L. Ron Hubbard.
"Jonathan Livingston Steve”
"How to Win Friends and Influence Steve"